*This post is sponsored by CrossFit Solid Orange*
If you are anything like me, you tend to put too much on your plate. This results in neglecting the most important thing to keep us going, ourselves. Self-care is such a key element to success. A key to be a better parent, a better spouse, a better co-worker. How can you be the best version of yourself if you aren’t putting yourself first?
The cool thing about putting yourself first is your self-care can look different for everyone and it should! What works for you may not work for everybody. Some people enjoy doing retail therapy, others enjoy a day at the spa or maybe even an hour or two in the gym. Whatever self-care looks like to you, make sure you set aside time each week for you. The people around you will notice that you are becoming the best version of yourself.
You may find yourself thinking that yes you do need to start prioritizing yourself but you don’t have the time. I totally get it. I work two jobs, have a puppy to take care of and live by myself so that means all the chores and bills are left up to me when I get home from working both jobs. Oh, and I have a blog too. It can be a bit much but when I set aside at least an hour each week to rest and recharge I have found that I am able to give my needs/tasks a much better version of myself had I not taken that time to recharge. So what are some things you can do to better yourself? Luckily, self-care is not one size fits all and there are hundreds of options! Lets go over just a few options.
Going to therapy to be the best me
Therapy is one thing I wish more people took part in. You don’t have to see a therapist just because you are sad or going through a rough time. You can see a therapist for any walk in life that you are going through, good or bad. One key trick to enjoying therapy is finding the right therapist. Trust is key, just like any relationship. If you don’t jive with one therapist, try another. Not all therapists are going to be the same or have the same methods. This is your self-care, you do what is best for you!
I have been going to therapy off and on for the last couple years and sometimes sessions go really smooth and I just enjoy having someone to talk to and then there are other times where I am pushed out of my comfort zone and talk about things that I have kept to myself. Of course, those moments are tough but I won’t grow unless I step out of my comfort zone. I also feel better by releasing emotions and thoughts that I have held in for so long. I really can’t recommend it enough.
Even Frankie says Relax
Since I do work so hard and put in my fair share of hours, I love to have at least one hour to myself each week. One hour where my phone is put away, no chores or to-do lists are being marked “done” and just do something I enjoy. That may be a hot bath, sitting down to have a hot meal that doesn’t come from a paper bag, watching a tv show, doing something crafty or creative and sometimes just something as simple as taking a nap. Whatever it is, it is my hour that revolves around me. Not my home, not my dog, not my chores, not work, me…that is MY hour.
Did you say purpose? I thought you said Purchase.
I love a good retail therapy day! Sometimes just going to your favorite store or walking around your local mall and just treating yourself is all you need to boost your mood. Just remember to keep it within moderation. You don’t want to find yourself stressing or working more hours to pay for the damage. This would defeat the purpose of you using your precious time to do something for yourself. Set aside a budget, per week/month, and allow yourself to enjoy your shopping trip guilt-free. With a budget you won’t have to worry later about how you are going to take care of the credit card bill.
‘Cross-fit’-ing exercise in to your schedule

Last but not least…it might actually be the most important form of self-care. Exercise. Oh, exercise… I’m sure I’m not a lone when I say I have a love/hate relationship with exercise but every time I have gotten my workout in I have left the gym feeling like I can conquer anything in my way, even though before I went in I wasn’t even sure I could conquer myself control to re-route to Chick-Fil-A instead. If you are in the Nashville area and are looking for your new gym family, CrossFit Solid Orange is well…a solid choice. Just like finding a good therapist, finding the right fit for your gym will make your experience more enjoyable that you will want to come back. It won’t feel like a chore to go, it become something you look forward to. I get it, cross fit can be a bit intimidating or you may think you will become bulky by lifting weights, but both of those things just aren’t true. Still don’t believe me? Take it from the experts, no I don’t mean the staff, I’m talking about the members. The people that are just like you and had to have their start at day 1 too, their members. There are numerous reviews from members and it is Nashville’s best reviewed CrossFit gym across multiple platforms like Google, Facebook Reviews and Yelp.
If you are new to working out you can set up a free consult with CrossFit Solid Orange and find a program that works best for you. If you find classes to be the thing that holds you back, that’s fine, you can set up personal training as well. Remember, they are there to help you, encourage, coach you and guide you to being your best version of your self.
There is nothing that compares to a good sweat session that helps release stress! Releasing stress and making your body the strongest, healthiest version it can be? It is a win-win!

If these aren’t enough here just a few more suggestions for you to test out:
- Bake
- Adult coloring books
- Read a good book
- Take a nap
- Take a walk
- Schedule a girls/guys night
- Meditate
- Go for a drive with no plan, turn up the radio, roll down the windows and just drive.
- Drink your water
- Treat yourself to your favorite treat.
- Plan a spa day at a spa or at home
- Visit your doctors – all of them! Taking care of your health is part of self-care.
Just remember, self-care is NOT selfish. Just like your cell phone, how do you expect to give your best and keep going if your at 10% battery or less? You will eventually be forced to be shut off. So go find one hour out of your week (There’s 168 hours in a week, you can give up one for yourself) and recharge your batteries so that you can take on all your to-do’s with your best self.
Put yourself first, you are your first priority. Once you do, the effects will trickle in to every other aspect of your life. Go conquer your day with your best, BA self.